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    American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up!


    Joueur Pro
    Joueur Pro

    Niveau KGS : 9 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 8 Dan
    Messages : 10
    Points : 92
    Mercis reçus : 0

    American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up! Empty American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up!

    Message par In-seong Ven 13 Déc 2013 - 22:17

    American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up! Yunguseng_banner_american1

    The 100% Internet-based program is operated by Current European 1st-rank player In-seong Hwang 8 Dan
    In-seong's player card

    Starting this season, we are opening up the 'American version' Yunguseng Dojang!
    Now American-time-zone players can 'fully' enjoy the same program as the Europeans!

    The Yunguseng Dojang has 3 special points:

    1. Each of the five games played per month will be personally reviewed by In-seong!
    2. Nine live, interactive lectures each season
    3. All lectures and reviews are recorded live and available for viewing anytime! Therefore, a live-attendance is not required.

    The next season starts in January 2014!

    Sign up now, and get the free access to all existing lesson videos!
    There are 60 lectures and over 1000 game review videos!

    Feel free to check out the 3 sample lecture videos and learn more about the overall program on our Website: http://www.yunguseng.com/


    Niveau KGS : 12 Kyu
    Messages : 4007
    Points : 35514
    Mercis reçus : 461

    American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up! Empty Re: American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up!

    Message par Yunzi Sam 14 Déc 2013 - 8:04

    Congratulations for this new adventure.  Wink 

    Joueur Pro
    Joueur Pro

    Niveau KGS : 9 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 8 Dan
    Messages : 10
    Points : 92
    Mercis reçus : 0

    American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up! Empty Re: American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up!

    Message par In-seong Dim 15 Déc 2013 - 1:41

    Nicofig a écrit:Congratulations for this new adventure.  Wink 

    Thanks for your comment! :D


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    American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up! Empty Re: American version Yunguseng Dojang opens up!

    Message par Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024 - 7:04