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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!


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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par In-seong Dim 21 Juil 2013 - 15:26

    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! DSC03332

    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Yd_logo

    The 100% Internet-based program, operated by Current European 1st rank player In-seong Hwang 8 Dan
    It has been running successfully for more than 2 years.

    The Yunguseng Dojang has 3 special points:

    1. Each of the five games played per month will be personally reviewed by In-seong!

    2. Nine live, interactive lectures each season

    3. All lectures and reviews are recorded live and available for viewing anytime! Therefore, a live-attendance is not required.

    Even more : An accompanied homework system that allows you to practice each lecture topic in your own games and get feedback on your results and players can follow their progress over time with the Yunguseng-exclusive ranking system! Since it is updated after every game, you can track your advancement without having to wait for the next official tournament.

    The next season starts in September 2013!
    Sign up now, and get the free access possibility for watching all the recorded lesson videos in the two weeks promotion time (27.07 - 10.08).
    There are 60 lectures and over 1000 game review videos!

    Please check current Yunguseng member's impressions for this program: http://www.yunguseng.com/teacher.html#comments

    Feel free to check out the 3 sample lecture videos and learn more about the overall program on our Website: http://www.yunguseng.com


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par LDL Dim 21 Juil 2013 - 17:03


    tks a lot for those informations In-Seong.
    I'm quite sure many people here will be interesting by this.




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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par Yunzi Dim 21 Juil 2013 - 19:43

    Great news. Thank you very much. Jap 

    Membre GO.ON l 3D
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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par kingwithou Dim 21 Juil 2013 - 20:08

    The free lectures are great and you explain very well Smile
    I hope you'll be able to make some in french soon !
    Good luck with your Dojo.

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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par In-seong Lun 22 Juil 2013 - 3:38

    Thanks a lot for all your replies!

    I'm going to become one of the French official Go instructor.
    I hope I can make lesson in French soon! Smile

    Best Go wishes,


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par LDL Lun 22 Juil 2013 - 6:42

    everybody knows already you become one of the French official Go instructor.
    hope you will arrive to speak in french, really not easy.
    i'm sure a lot of persons will help you, and of course in this forum.

    you can come everytime, because there are a lot of people here at every hour of day.

    P.S. :
    Soon, we open a new section in english in this forum for persons don't (yet) speak french,
    and have or want have a connection with France.

    Membre GO.ON l 3D
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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par Thanakun Lun 22 Juil 2013 - 10:29

    It's a pleasure to see you here, I saw you at Belmont (1, 2, 3 Wink ).
    Your Lesson was very clear, so, I advice many people to follow your program and your lessons.


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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par Catlois Mar 23 Juil 2013 - 3:31

    That's greeeeeaaaat !!! Yo 

    Thanks a lot for these informations In-seong.

    I look forward to attending your lessons. I've seen some of your videos and it was so enlightening about the game that I need some more now Loved .

    And do not hesitate if you need some tips in french, we'll be glad to help you (not an easy language but not impossible though... as korean language : I tried to learn it a little and I must say It's quite difficult too Laughing).

    I hope you'll like teaching go to French students.

    Dernière édition par Catlois le Mar 23 Juil 2013 - 17:56, édité 1 fois


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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par Admin Mer 24 Juil 2013 - 8:26

    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Staff-11

    As a courtesy to our registered, and until the new section for English,
    thank you do exceptionally write in English in this topic.

    Par courtoisie pour notre inscrit, et en attendant la nouvelle section pour anglophones,
    merci de ne poster exceptionnellement qu'en anglais dans ce sujet.



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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par In-seong Jeu 25 Juil 2013 - 1:22

    Thanks a lot for your comment and kindness! Smile 

    I will try hard to speak French! Please help me a lot! Wink 

    Hopefully I can manage a weekend workshop in France in September.



    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par LDL Jeu 25 Juil 2013 - 5:41


    you can come here everytime, eveybody will help you. We are online quite 24/24,staff of the team live in France, I live in asia, we have french registered people from USA and Canada, so, all the time somebody is online on this forum (we are just after Live 19x19, GO.ON is the second go forum of the net in the world, we hope to pass at the top position before Life 19x19).

    (i will try to open the english section soon as possible around the 5th august, after to move in my new house...).


    Membre GO.ON l 3D
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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par kingwithou Dim 2 Mar 2014 - 12:13

    I wish to express my great satisfaction for playing in the Yunguseng Dojang for 2 month now. I've been hesitating for a long time but I finally decided to suscribe to this academy in January.

    I have already learnt a lot, the concept with 5 games a month (all reviewed !!) enables a personal monitoring and helped me to fix many bad habits. We can feel that In-seong really masters his subject, the quality and clarity of his answers in live is awesome (and yet we all try to trap him with tricky proposal !) and it is still really interresting to watch the commentaries he carries out on Dan games or even on weaker players games.

    All lectures is also a great source of growth for all levels, as it addresses each topic with variants of the easiest to the most complex. It is also possible to send its own games with questions about the theoretical course of the week to extend the theory by comparing it to practical situations encountered in our games. On this point I must confess that I do not play enough to use up this "homework" side, but it is surely a great way to develop the courses for those who make an effort .

    To conclude I encourage everyone to subscribe to In-seong's Yunguseng Dojang. And a great Thanks to master In-seong for his teaching !


    Je voudrais exprimer ma grande satisfaction de participer au Yunguseng Dojang, depuis deux mois maintenant. J'ai longtemps hésité mais j'ai finalement décidé de m'inscrire à cette académie en Janvier.

    J'ai déjà appris énormément de choses, le format de ligue avec 5 parties par mois (toutes commentées !!) permet vraiment un suivi personnalisé et m'a aider à corriger beaucoup de mauvaises habitudes. On sent qu'In-seong maîtrise parfaitement son sujet, la qualité et la clarté de ses réponses en direct est géniale (et pourtant on essaye tous de le piéger avec des propositions tordues !!) et ça reste très intéressant de suivre les commentaires qu'il réalise sur des parties de joueurs Dan mais aussi sur des parties de joueurs plus faibles.

    L'ensemble des cours théoriques est aussi une grande source de progression pour tous niveaux, car il aborde chaque sujet avec des variantes des plus faciles aux plus complexes. Il est également possible de lui envoyer ses propres parties avec des questions autour du cours théorique de la semaine pour prolonger la théorie en la confrontant à des situations pratiques rencontrées dans nos parties. Sur ce point j'avoue que je ne joue pas suffisamment pour utiliser au maximum ce côté "devoirs du soir", mais c'est sûrement une excellente manière d'approfondir le cours pour qui s'en donne la peine.

    Pour conclure j'encourage tout le monde à s'inscrire au Yunguseng Dojang. Et un grand Merci à In-seong pour son enseignement !


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par LDL Dim 2 Mar 2014 - 12:25

    yes for sure, i not doubt this way is a great tool to progress.....

    when i will have time and some budget, i will subscribe i think !

    juste by curiosity, how much you have pay for how many month ?


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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par kingwithou Dim 2 Mar 2014 - 13:48

    It is around 80€ per month, you can have all the informations there : http://eyd.yunguseng.com/price.html
    Maybe for you the best is to join the american league, maybe more adapted to your time zone.

    For sure  it is worth it :)I think one should consider tro try it for 3 month if one can't find a way to improve by himself since a few month.

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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Thanks for your post!

    Message par In-seong Lun 3 Mar 2014 - 17:00

    kingwithou a écrit:I wish to express my great satisfaction for playing in the Yunguseng Dojang for 2 month now. I've been hesitating for a long time but I finally decided to suscribe to this academy in January.

    I have already learnt a lot, the concept with 5 games a month (all reviewed !!) enables a personal monitoring and helped me to fix many bad habits. We can feel that In-seong really masters his subject, the quality and clarity of his answers in live is awesome (and yet we all try to trap him with tricky proposal !) and it is still really interresting to watch the commentaries he carries out on Dan games or even on weaker players games.

    All lectures is also a great source of growth for all levels, as it addresses each topic with variants of the easiest to the most complex. It is also possible to send its own games with questions about the theoretical course of the week to extend the theory by comparing it to practical situations encountered in our games. On this point I must confess that I do not play enough to use up this "homework" side, but it is surely a great way to develop the courses for those who make an effort .

    To conclude I encourage everyone to subscribe to In-seong's Yunguseng Dojang. And a great Thanks to master In-seong for his teaching !


    Je voudrais exprimer ma grande satisfaction de participer au Yunguseng Dojang, depuis deux mois maintenant. J'ai longtemps hésité mais j'ai finalement décidé de m'inscrire à cette académie en Janvier.

    J'ai déjà appris énormément de choses, le format de ligue avec 5 parties par mois (toutes commentées !!) permet vraiment un suivi personnalisé et m'a aider à corriger beaucoup de mauvaises habitudes. On sent qu'In-seong maîtrise parfaitement son sujet, la qualité et la clarté de ses réponses en direct est géniale (et pourtant on essaye tous de le piéger avec des propositions tordues !!) et ça reste très intéressant de suivre les commentaires qu'il réalise sur des parties de joueurs Dan mais aussi sur des parties de joueurs plus faibles.

    L'ensemble des cours théoriques est aussi une grande source de progression pour tous niveaux, car il aborde chaque sujet avec des variantes des plus faciles aux plus complexes. Il est également possible de lui envoyer ses propres parties avec des questions autour du cours théorique de la semaine pour prolonger la théorie en la confrontant à des situations pratiques rencontrées dans nos parties. Sur ce point j'avoue que je ne joue pas suffisamment pour utiliser au maximum ce côté "devoirs du soir", mais c'est sûrement une excellente manière d'approfondir le cours pour qui s'en donne la peine.

    Pour conclure j'encourage tout le monde à s'inscrire au Yunguseng Dojang. Et un grand Merci à In-seong pour son enseignement !

    Dear Tristan,

    Thanks for your post!
    I'm very happy to hear that you are enjoying the program!
    I'll keep doing my best :D

    Best Baduk wishes,


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

    Message par LDL Lun 3 Mar 2014 - 17:22

    tks for your comment In-seong,
    we keep in touch.


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    Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion! Empty Re: Yunguseng Dojang by In-seong 8 dan,try free access promotion!

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