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    ASR events


    Membre GO.ON l 15K
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    ASR events Empty ASR events

    Message par climu Dim 2 Fév 2014 - 1:18

    ASR events Advanc12/

    The Advanced Study Room is a community dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of go.
    The ASR  offers a supportive and friendly environment to play, study, and make new friends. It is run by a group of volunteers who are constantly working to provide the best internet go experience. Joining and plaing in the ASR are 100% free.

    The league

    The ASR league is a monthly tournament for players of all levels who want to play serious games and improve. The league provides a pyramid structure of classes from alpha at the top to delta at the bottom. A clever point system rewards activity as well as winning, giving an incentive to everyone to be as involved as possible. By placing high enough in your class you can promote to the next higher level. All games are even (no handicap) which gives weaker players the valuable opportunity to play stronger players. Games in the ASR should be played slowly, and reviewing afterwards is strongly encouraged.

    Every month, thanks to our sponsors and donators, we award the winners with prizes. Iinculding:

    • A month of Baduk TV
    • A month of Go Game World subscription
    • 1 or 2 weeks of Baduk movies pro.
    • 2 weeks of kgs plus
    • Teaching games
    • Go lectures from guo juan library

    Study Go
    We are also providing some content and events to study go:

    • Monthly Nordic Go Academy lecture (see this post for further details)
    • We try to collect and organise as much quality english go content as possible. If there is anything you want to share, let us know.

    All ASR events take place in kgs ASR room !

    Free for all to attend.

    You can find all previous lecture in asr website


    Dernière édition par climu le Dim 14 Sep 2014 - 13:46, édité 19 fois


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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par Yunzi Dim 2 Fév 2014 - 9:31

    Thanks a lot, this sgf file is very interesting.  Jap


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par LDL Dim 2 Fév 2014 - 9:53

    Somebody have the video of this first lesson ?


    Dernière édition par LDL le Jeu 10 Avr 2014 - 22:47, édité 1 fois

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par climu Dim 2 Fév 2014 - 13:50

    LDL a écrit:Somebody have the video of this first lesson ?
    No, unfortunatly, there were no audio... text only.
    On the other hand, you can review the edited sgf on asr wepage.

    Dernière édition par climu le Jeu 10 Avr 2014 - 23:00, édité 5 fois

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty Free NGA lecture the 15th of March at 8h30 in ASR room

    Message par climu Sam 8 Mar 2014 - 17:07

    The NGA-ASR monthly lecture's succes is growing !
    We are glad to announce you that a lecture will be held the 15th March at 20h30 in ASR room.

    Free for all to attend!

    Dernière édition par climu le Jeu 10 Avr 2014 - 23:02, édité 4 fois


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par LDL Sam 8 Mar 2014 - 18:04

    lesson in english i suppose ?
    the animator is Namii too ? there is a them or not for this one ?


    Dernière édition par LDL le Jeu 10 Avr 2014 - 22:46, édité 1 fois

    DONATEUR moon
    DONATEUR moon

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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par Kolibry Dim 9 Mar 2014 - 10:23

    thanks for the information, i would like to know too if there is a them or not for this lesson Smile

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty 4th NGA-ASR lecture

    Message par climu Jeu 10 Avr 2014 - 19:56

    We are glad to announce you the 4th Nordic Go Academy lecture !
    It will take place the wednesday 23rd of April at 6pm GMT in kgs asr room.
    Juri Kuronen will talk about “Fuseki, what is urgent ?”

    ps: Sorry for the late reply. The 3rd lecture was "Judging results of a joseki/exchange" by Jeff.

    Dernière édition par climu le Jeu 10 Avr 2014 - 23:01, édité 3 fois


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par LDL Jeu 10 Avr 2014 - 21:38


    the contain of this topic is for people speak and undestand the english langage,
    so I'm sorry but this does not concern the French forum but the English section.

    everything must be re written in English, which takes the subject and all messages will be deleted.


    tout est en anglais, par conséquent je suis désolé mais cela ne concerne pas le forum français,
    mais la section anglaise, ce sujet et son contenu étant destinés aux anglophones,
    et aux français parlant anglais.

    tout doit être par consequent re-écrit en anglais, faut de quoi le sujet et ses messages seront effacés.
    (ca serait bien dommage mais c'est la regle..)


    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty Translating

    Message par climu Jeu 10 Avr 2014 - 22:31

    ok, translating....


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par LDL Ven 2 Mai 2014 - 21:57


    tks for your thread.

    great information, i'm sure it will interesting a lot of people here....


    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty 5th NGA lecture

    Message par climu Mer 7 Mai 2014 - 15:25

    Hey guys,
    I am glad to announce you that the 5th NGA lecture will take place the Monday 19th of May at 1 am GMT (see below for timezone issue).

    Antti Törmänen currently insei in Japan found time to talk us about sabaki.

    Please beware: for USA timezones, the event will happen the 18th of may.

    Timezones exemples:
    Central European Summer Time (UTC+2) = the 19th at 3 am
    New York time (UTC-4) = the 18th at 9 pm
    California (UTC-7) = the 18th at 6 pm

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty 6th NGA-ASR lecture

    Message par climu Jeu 5 Juin 2014 - 13:42

    Hey !
    Just to announce the 6th NGA-ASR lecture.
    Jeff will continue his "Judging the results of a joseki/exchange" série the 14/06/2014 at 06:00 pm GMT in ASR room.

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty In-Seong Hwang (8d)'s lecture

    Message par climu Dim 14 Sep 2014 - 13:48

    In-Seong Hwang (8d) will be giving a lecture the 28th of september at 06:00 pm GMT in ASR room!
    The theme is still to be decided.


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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par SimeonG Dim 14 Sep 2014 - 14:29

    Wow great news !


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par LDL Ven 11 Sep 2015 - 5:02

    climu, what happens about the room ?
    tell us, give us some news !

    (i'm hungry !!!)
    ASR events Laught10


    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty I am out, ASR is dying?

    Message par climu Mar 22 Sep 2015 - 23:10

    I am sorry guys, but I stoped volontering for ASR for about a year now.
    I fear ASR is not as active as it used to be now.
    No more events, prizes and very few players....

    Maybe it will revive... who knows....


    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par litchee Lun 14 Mar 2016 - 13:41

    Hello everybody !

    The ASR league has new cool prizes!!
    For example each month the winner of Alpha will get a free teaching game with Guo Juan (5p)!
    Other prizes include books, kgs+, free lectures and teaching games with strong players!

    Among those prizes there will be free lectures for all by An Younggil (8p)

    By the way Guo Juan will play a teaching game with litchee on Friday 18/03/16 10:00 GMT in the ASR room on KGS.

    Feel free to join   Yep


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par LDL Lun 14 Mar 2016 - 14:03

    it's a great news,
    happy to see the room active again.

    too much go projects stop again, so don't hesitate to join
    this room for the english spoken people....

    (not like me unfortunetely...)

    enjoy !



    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par litchee Sam 19 Mar 2016 - 15:05

    Hey folks!

    I recorded my game against Guo Juan and you can see the video on the ASR website here

    My apologies for the french tongues, very soon some new contents for you Wink


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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par litchee Dim 27 Mar 2016 - 17:42

    Hello everybody!

    Thundergod 7d will be doing a lecture on Sunday 3 Apr 21:00 in kgs ASR room.
    A huge thanks to him for that !
    He will be talking about fuseki, turning points and direction of play.

    This lecture is opened for everyone !

    See you there Smile

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty Thundergod 7d second lecture

    Message par climu Dim 10 Avr 2016 - 15:31

    The first Thundergod 7d was great !
    You can find the sgf in ASR website.

    He will be doing another lecture Sunday the 24th of April in kgs ASR room.

    Free for all to attend !


    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par litchee Dim 17 Avr 2016 - 12:40

    Hi guys !

    Just a reminder;

    Thundergod 7d will be doing another lecture Sunday the 24th of April at 19:00 GMT in kgs ASR room!
    It's totally Free for all to attend !

    See you there Smile


    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
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    ASR events Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par litchee Mar 26 Avr 2016 - 12:46

    Good news everyone !

    Some of you may remember the good times of monthly ASR-NGA lectures.
    For those who missed it you can find them in our lecture section.

    Anyway, we are very happy to announce you that we just renewed contact with those friendly northern men and that a lecture from Antti Törmänen 1p will take place in ASR room the 7th of may 2016 at 11am GMT.
    The topic will be "how to handle thickness" and of course it's free for all to attend !

    See you there !

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events Empty Li Ang 3p free lecture:

    Message par climu Lun 2 Mai 2016 - 22:10

    The Go world have been quite shaken this year…
    You know what I am talking about… Alphago beating Lee Sedol…

    Well… we heard some rumors that Dosaku, Huang Long shi, Go Seigen and Sakata Eio senseis might be back in Alphago’s mind.

    Li Ang 3p thinks the closest is Go Seigen’s go theory, as he said “the stones they put on the board magically coincide”

    He kindly agree to explain that in a public ASR lecture the 16 May 13:00 GMT in kgs ASR room. Let’s comes in horde !

    For those who don’t know, Li Ang (李昂) is a Chinese 3-dan professional, instructor for the Beijing Youth Go Team and author of lots of go books. He plays as Lyonweiqi on KGS and offers lessons there.

    Dernière édition par climu le Mer 4 Mai 2016 - 8:05, édité 1 fois

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