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    New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room


    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

    Niveau KGS : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 37
    Points : 368
    Mercis reçus : 0

    New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room Empty New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room

    Message par climu Ven 17 Mar 2017 - 10:01

    Hi GO.ON !

    It's been a long time since I posted here and I come with good news.

    I thought you might be interested knowing I just created a new room on kgs : The openstudyroom

    It's an online go community where people study, teach, learn and play go together in a friendly environment. Our league system encourage members to play long serious game with review afterward. We also host tsumego sessions and lectures.

    It's a very young community but in less than a month, we had already more than 100 players registered.
    We have a website with a forum, a league tool and a blog. We meet both in our discord channel  and in kgs room to talk about go and play league games

    Since it's a very young community, lots of things are not fixed yet. We like to discuss OSR decisions in our forum since we believe being community driven is healthy.
    We also welcome any kind of idea/suggestion/critics.

    Also, the kgs league tools I have built are GNU GPL software with sources on github and even a how to deploy locally in 5 mins. This means in 5 mins you have blog+forum+CMS+league system running.

    Feel free to use it for any go project you might have. It's still very much in alpha condition, but I am receiving quite some help coding. If you know some python take a look !

    Oh, by the way, tomorow, the 18, we are having a special tsumego day !
    At 09:00 GMT, we will have a 2 hour study of the firsts elementary tsumegos from Cho Chikun dictionnary (7k -15k) with lose2learn.

    At 17:00 GMT, Markó Péter (EGF 4d) will be doing a lecture on tsumegos. The main topics will be: How to approach tsumegos,whats the difference between them,what kind of tsumegos you can encounter.

    This events will take place in the Open Study Room on kgs, under social.
    It's free for all to attend. Meet you there !

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

    Niveau KGS : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 37
    Points : 368
    Mercis reçus : 0

    New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room Empty Guo Juan lecture

    Message par climu Dim 26 Mar 2017 - 12:25

    I think some of our events might be of some interest, so if that's ok, I will advertise our events answering this thread...

    Guo Juan 5 dan professional will be doing monthly 15min "one glass wine" lecture in the Open Study Room

    The first one will take place the 01st of April at 17:30 gmt in the Open Study Room.

    Guo Juan is a well know professional go player who have been teaching go for many years. Be sure to check her internet go school where you can enjoy lots of pro lectures and game reviews for a more than decent prize and enjoy her unique training system called Spaced Repetition System.

    All OSR team wants to adress here a huge thanks for supporting the Open Study Room !

    As usual, it's free for all to attend.

    Meet you there.

    DONATEUR moon
    DONATEUR moon

    Niveau KGS : 5 Kyu
    Niveau FFG : 9 Kyu
    Messages : 402
    Points : 869
    Mercis reçus : 130

    New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room Empty Re: New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room

    Message par Pio2001 Dim 26 Mar 2017 - 17:21

    Thank you for the information, climu !

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

    Niveau KGS : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 37
    Points : 368
    Mercis reçus : 0

    New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room Empty Busy week end at OSR: Guo Juan lecture + Goro (8d) tsumego session

    Message par climu Ven 31 Mar 2017 - 21:44

    Hi guys, This week end will be a busy week end at OSR:

    As I annonce previously, Guo Juan (5p) will be doing a 15 min lecture in kgs OSR room tomorrow the 1st of April at 17:30 GMT.

    Goro Matsuo (former Japan insei) will be doing a tsumego session sunday the 2nd of April at 13:00 GMT. Let's practice together.

    As usual all those events are free for all to attend. Meet you there !

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

    Niveau KGS : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 37
    Points : 368
    Mercis reçus : 0

    New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room Empty Jeff lecture about "decision making" the 04/15

    Message par climu Sam 8 Avr 2017 - 11:45

    Hi guys !

    Su Yang (known as Jeff) will be doing a lecture about "decision making" in the KGS Open Study Room on April the 15 at 18:00 GMT.

    The topic was choosen by OSR members in this poll and they now can submit a situation where they find decision making to be difficult.

    As usual OSR events are free for all to attend !

    Meet you there.

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    New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room Empty Re: New kgs study/league room: Open Study Room

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      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024 - 7:11