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    ASR events


    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

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    ASR events - Page 2 Empty ASR events

    Message par climu Dim 2 Fév 2014 - 1:18

    Rappel du premier message :

    ASR events - Page 2 Advanc12/

    The Advanced Study Room is a community dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of go.
    The ASR  offers a supportive and friendly environment to play, study, and make new friends. It is run by a group of volunteers who are constantly working to provide the best internet go experience. Joining and plaing in the ASR are 100% free.

    The league

    The ASR league is a monthly tournament for players of all levels who want to play serious games and improve. The league provides a pyramid structure of classes from alpha at the top to delta at the bottom. A clever point system rewards activity as well as winning, giving an incentive to everyone to be as involved as possible. By placing high enough in your class you can promote to the next higher level. All games are even (no handicap) which gives weaker players the valuable opportunity to play stronger players. Games in the ASR should be played slowly, and reviewing afterwards is strongly encouraged.

    Every month, thanks to our sponsors and donators, we award the winners with prizes. Iinculding:

    • A month of Baduk TV
    • A month of Go Game World subscription
    • 1 or 2 weeks of Baduk movies pro.
    • 2 weeks of kgs plus
    • Teaching games
    • Go lectures from guo juan library

    Study Go
    We are also providing some content and events to study go:

    • Monthly Nordic Go Academy lecture (see this post for further details)
    • We try to collect and organise as much quality english go content as possible. If there is anything you want to share, let us know.

    All ASR events take place in kgs ASR room !

    Free for all to attend.

    You can find all previous lecture in asr website


    Dernière édition par climu le Dim 14 Sep 2014 - 13:46, édité 19 fois

    Membre GO.ON l 10K
    Membre GO.ON  l  10K

    Niveau KGS : 10 Kyu
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    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par MuadDib99 Mar 3 Mai 2016 - 12:27

    That would be interesting to see his explanations, and a review made by a professional is always useful ! I'll try to come Yep

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

    Niveau KGS : 1 Kyu
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    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par climu Mer 4 Mai 2016 - 8:06

    Just to say there were a typo in thte time.
    It's 13:00 GMT.
    Sorry about that.

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

    Niveau KGS : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 37
    Points : 368
    Mercis reçus : 0

    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Guo Juan 5p teaching game

    Message par climu Dim 8 Mai 2016 - 22:45

    Hey guys,
    In April Silkroad won our alpha class !
    We are delighted to announce you that Guo Juan’s 5p teaching game with Silkroad will take place on kgs ASR room the 13 May at 08 am GMT.
    Of course there will be a review of the game afterward.
    A huge thanks to Guo Juan for that !
    Let’s all come to encourage Silkroad.

    Membre GO.ON l 15K
    Membre GO.ON  l  15K

    Niveau KGS : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 37
    Points : 368
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    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Thundergod 6d third lecture

    Message par climu Mar 10 Mai 2016 - 21:26

    Hey guys,
    Thundergod 6d will be doing his 3rd lecture in kgs ASR room the 22nd of May at 19:00 GMT.
    As usual, it's free for all to attend.


    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
    Messages : 227
    Points : 3833
    Mercis reçus : 49

    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par litchee Dim 29 Mai 2016 - 10:54

    Hello everyone !

    Nikola Mitic is a strong Serbian go player. He began his insei studies in October 2012 at the Nihon-Kiin and is currently in A class !
    We are very happy to announce that on Sunday the 5th of June at 13-00 GMT he will hold a lecture about direction of attacking in the early game in our room on KGS.
    As usual this event is free for all to attend !

    He is also offering private lessons, if you are interested contact him on KGS (nidza92) or by email (mitic375@gmail.com).

    See you all then !


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 8228
    Points : 82179
    Mercis reçus : 835

    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par LDL Dim 29 Mai 2016 - 11:15

    great, tks for the information, especially because i dont know yet this player !
    ASR have some videos of him on the ASR site or not ?



    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
    Messages : 227
    Points : 3833
    Mercis reçus : 49

    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par litchee Dim 29 Mai 2016 - 14:19

    It will be the first time he make a lecture for asr, so there is nothing from him on our website yet.

    He is playing regularly on tygem under the nickname nidza, so you find some of his games there

    Dernière édition par litchee le Dim 29 Mai 2016 - 14:29, édité 1 fois


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 8228
    Points : 82179
    Mercis reçus : 835

    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par LDL Dim 29 Mai 2016 - 14:21

    ok, so i undestand why i dont know yet this player because i don't go on tygem, my mistake hihi...
    so, hope ASR will upload some great videos of him on their site...


    Membre GO.ON l 25K
    Membre GO.ON  l  25K

    Niveau KGS : 3 Kyu
    Messages : 5
    Points : 70
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    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Upcoming ASR events

    Message par soutkin Lun 6 Juin 2016 - 12:35


    ★ ASR events:

    10/06/16 14:00 GMT Guo Juan teaching game with silkroad, followed by short lecture

    10/06/16 20:00 GMT Thundergod live game commentary: Send your sgf !

    11/06/16 19:00  GMT Thundergod will be back with a lecture about “ fuseki  problems"



    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
    Messages : 227
    Points : 3833
    Mercis reçus : 49

    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par litchee Lun 27 Juin 2016 - 19:49

    It’s decided ! Su Yang (Jeff) 6d lecture will be about 'Finding the right move in middle game/running fights'

    You guys had the chance to propose a topic for next lecture by Su Yang (Jeff) and then to vote for it !

    The vote ended with a draw between counting and Finding the right move in middle game/running fights so Jeff made the final pick.

    The lecture will be the 2016-07-02 13-00 GMT in ASR room.

    As usual, it’s free for all to attend!

    See you there.

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    ASR events - Page 2 Empty Re: ASR events

    Message par Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024 - 10:40