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    Creating a Go Club


    Joueur Dan
    Joueur Dan

    Niveau KGS : 2 Dan
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    Creating a Go Club Empty Creating a Go Club

    Message par Javaness Lun 9 Sep 2013 - 21:05

    In many countries, it is possible just to make a Go club with the click of your fingers. There is no paperwork to fill in, only your own advertisements to make. How is the situation in France though? I wonder if somebody can offer a short summary of how to create a club in France, and how to affiliate to the FFG?
    (Other francophone countries too)

    DONATEUR gold
    DONATEUR gold

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    Creating a Go Club Empty Re: Creating a Go Club

    Message par Pelansowa Lun 9 Sep 2013 - 23:55

    I found this link that seems to sum it up: *** MODERATE ***

    Dernière édition par LDL le Mar 10 Sep 2013 - 5:26, édité 1 fois (Raison : *** MODERATE **** no french link for explanations. this section is in englsih spoken, tks !)


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    Creating a Go Club Empty Re: Creating a Go Club

    Message par LDL Mar 10 Sep 2013 - 5:25

    This section is to help englis people IN ENGLISH !
    don't submit french link please......
    it's a non sens.

    DONATEUR gold
    DONATEUR gold

    Niveau KGS : 5 Kyu
    Messages : 178
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    Mercis reçus : 40

    Creating a Go Club Empty Re: Creating a Go Club

    Message par Pelansowa Mar 10 Sep 2013 - 8:09

    LDL a écrit:This section is to help englis people IN ENGLISH !
    don't submit french link please......
    it's a non sens.
    Well, I did check that the OP could speak french beforehand but all-right, I guess I get your point.

    Here is the same link auto-translated by google: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fffg.jeudego.org%2Finformations%2Fofficiel%2FdemarchesClub.php

    While not perfect, the translated version should at least give some insight into what's required to open a club in France :-)

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