GO.ON l Le forum de la communauté francophone de Go

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Bienvenue sur le forum GO.ON consacré à la pratique du jeu de Go. Vous y trouverez des conseils de jeu, des partenaires pour de nouvelles parties et beaucoup d'autres choses. Bonne visite.
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    Hello from OGS :)


    invité GO.ON l 30K

    Niveau KGS : 14 Kyu
    Messages : 1
    Points : 3
    Mercis reçus : 0

    Hello from OGS :) Empty Hello from OGS :)

    Message par anoek Dim 26 Oct 2014 - 18:37

    Hello there! anoek here, co-creator of http://online-go.com/

    My partner (matburt) and I got into go about two years ago and almost immediately started working on a new place to play Go on, and it's been non-stop coding for Go ever since Smile

    We're excited to see GO.ON continuing to grow, and even more excited that there's now a section we can read without having to run things through google translate  Yep

    - anoek


    Niveau KGS : 12 Kyu
    Messages : 4007
    Points : 35514
    Mercis reçus : 461

    Hello from OGS :) Empty Re: Hello from OGS :)

    Message par Yunzi Dim 26 Oct 2014 - 18:51

    Hi Anoek,

    you're welcome here. I hope you can tell us the future developments of Online Go. Wink


    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 3 Dan
    Messages : 1070
    Points : 10610
    Mercis reçus : 461

    Hello from OGS :) Empty Re: Hello from OGS :)

    Message par SimeonG Dim 26 Oct 2014 - 22:08

    Welcome here Anoek.

    We are already enjoy your servers and started speaking about it here (but you will need Google Translate Wink )
    Since tournaments modifications are back, we will work again on that Smile

    Do not hesitate to start your own English speaking thread if you have something to announce or said (and ask me if you have any questions)

    Membre GO.ON l 5K
    Membre GO.ON  l   5K

    Niveau KGS : 10 Kyu
    Messages : 162
    Points : 5292
    Mercis reçus : 69

    Hello from OGS :) Empty Re: Hello from OGS :)

    Message par lepassant Jeu 13 Nov 2014 - 11:07

    Hi. I recently discovered OGS (thanks to another KGS's random problem). I'm still learning how to make use of all the tools available. Nonetheless, OGS is my new favourite go server already. Thank you guys! I wish you the best of luck.

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    Hello from OGS :) Empty Re: Hello from OGS :)

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      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024 - 11:29