GO.ON l Le forum de la communauté francophone de Go

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Bienvenue sur le forum GO.ON consacré à la pratique du jeu de Go. Vous y trouverez des conseils de jeu, des partenaires pour de nouvelles parties et beaucoup d'autres choses. Bonne visite.
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    Hi there !


    Membre GO.ON l 10K
    Membre GO.ON  l  10K

    Niveau KGS : 14 Kyu
    Messages : 67
    Points : 656
    Mercis reçus : 0

    Hi there ! Empty Hi there !

    Message par Shagi Sam 26 Avr 2014 - 19:32

    Hi !

    As litchee stated, there are only a few presentations in the english part of the forum. So I though I could reintroduce myself so that our fellow english speaking go players could get to know more people here Smile

    I'm Shagi, 24, and currently living in Cambodia.
    I discovered go game thanks to Hikaru no Go (surprising is not it ?) many years ago. Because of my cursus at university, and because I have a lot of hobbies, I never got very serious about my go study. That's why I'm only 15k today though I learned the rules some 5 or 6 years ago. Still, no matter how many times I stopped to play, I could not forget about that incredible game and I always got back at it.

    Thus, here I am, studying and enjoying go game once again.
    My objective is to reach the first dan on KGS. Nonetheless, this is way over my current abilities so, for the time being, I'm just trying to get to a single digit kyu. Once I'm there, I'll reconsider the first dan Smile

    If you see me on KGS, please come to talk to me. I'll be glas to play with you !

    Cheers Smile

    (Here's my https://go-on.forumactif.com/t1590-shagi-ou-l-homme-qui-commencait-le-go, for those of you who would like to practice that language  Yep )


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 8228
    Points : 82179
    Mercis reçus : 835

    Hi there ! Empty Re: Hi there !

    Message par LDL Sam 26 Avr 2014 - 19:54

    Hi there ! 18_big10

    Welcome Inside !



    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
    Messages : 227
    Points : 3833
    Mercis reçus : 49

    Hi there ! Empty Re: Hi there !

    Message par litchee Dim 27 Avr 2014 - 6:22

    Welcome on this side Smile


    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 3 Dan
    Messages : 1070
    Points : 10610
    Mercis reçus : 461

    Hi there ! Empty Re: Hi there !

    Message par SimeonG Dim 27 Avr 2014 - 18:18

    Bienvenue / Welcome / Benvenuto Smile

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    Hi there ! Empty Re: Hi there !

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