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    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
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    Hello! Empty Hello!

    Message par litchee Mer 23 Avr 2014 - 3:53


    I am 25 and started playing Weiqi around 7 years ago.
    I am currently living in Hangzhou, China, nearby the very famous Shanghai...
    I was on a break from this game from about one year but since i am now in China, i have got much interested once again. Now i hope to be clever enough to get at least 6d !

    My actual strength is 4d but i still can loose against much weaker Smile

    If by any chance you come to China (or already are !), you are very welcome to my place.
    Also if you have any Weiqi related project/ideas or whatever, i would be glad to join and help you Smile

    Hope to see all of you in front of a Weiqi board !


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par LDL Mer 23 Avr 2014 - 4:17

    Hello! 15_big10

    Welcome Inside !


    Membre GO.ON l 10K
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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par Shagi Mer 23 Avr 2014 - 5:49

    Hi litchee !

    Welcome in the GO.ON community !

    4d and living in China ! That's soooo cool ! \o/
    I hope you'll be able to reach the 6d thanks to this forum and I wish you luck in that ambitious but nonetheless great adventure.

    You wrote : "... but since I am now in China ..." which make me think you have not spent all your life over there. May I, thus, ask where you are from ?

    Cheers ! :D


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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par Yunzi Mer 23 Avr 2014 - 7:29

    Welcome here,Litchee, and have fun.  Yep 

    Membre GO.ON l 5K
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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par nvaste Mer 23 Avr 2014 - 16:09

    Welcome ^^


    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par litchee Ven 25 Avr 2014 - 4:28

    Shagi a écrit:
    I hope you'll be able to reach the 6d thanks to this forum and I wish you luck in that ambitious but nonetheless great adventure.

    Thank you shagi, if you want a game feel free to ask me anytime you see me on KGS

    Shagi a écrit:
    You wrote : "... but since I am now in China ..." which make me think you have not spent all your life over there. May I, thus, ask where you are from ?

    Yes you are right, i'm french, so i spend some time in france Smile
    Now i live most of the time in china, but because of visa things i have to go out every three months, so i oftenly go to cambodia/laos/thailand. And i was in phnom penh 2 month ago.
    A shame that i see you are there only now...

    Membre GO.ON l 20K
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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par StephaneD Ven 25 Avr 2014 - 13:36

    Hi and welcome litchee Smile I hope you will success in become 6D. I want it to but i'm very far from it. Clan I ask you why do you speak english here whereas its a french website and you are french? Maybe you forgot it beacause you lived a long time in china? Or just because you want ^^

    Membre GO.ON l 20K
    Membre GO.ON  l  20K

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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par StephaneD Ven 25 Avr 2014 - 15:53

    Hi and welcome litchee Smile I hope y ou will successeur un become 6D. I want et too but i'm very far from it. Clan I ask you why do y ou speak english here whereas its a french densité ans y ou are french? Maybe you forgot it beacause you lived a long tome un china?


    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par litchee Sam 26 Avr 2014 - 1:30

    i speak english here because its the english part of the website and it looks empty... Smile
    i also made a short description of myself on the french side, though my nickname changed in the past few days, i was abraxas ^^

    Dernière édition par litchee le Sam 26 Avr 2014 - 2:02, édité 1 fois


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par LDL Sam 26 Avr 2014 - 1:50


    yes !

    its great you create a topic here.
    hope to have many players in future in this section part.


    Membre GO.ON l 10K
    Membre GO.ON  l  10K

    Niveau KGS : 14 Kyu
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    Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

    Message par Shagi Sam 26 Avr 2014 - 19:12

    Thank you very much for the kind proposition litchi ! I won't forget it and I'll ask you games from time to time for sure !

    Hehe, I did not know you were around either 2 months ago ! But you know, we live in a very small wolrd and as I really want to spend more time in Asia, we may find a chance to meet in the future Smile

    Anyway, I wish you the best in your journey to 6dan and a great time in China ! :D

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