There are lots of great go ressource in this forum...
In order to attract english speaker, I intend to translate some of it.
Planche did a nice game commentary of Huang Longshi vs Jiang Tianyuan game.
I translate the commentary and put it in an sgf file.
In this game, Huang Longshi show very nice way to use influence.
One should learn from his patience for gathering strength during the game and the way he uses it.
Let summurize what happened in the game:
In order to attract english speaker, I intend to translate some of it.
Planche did a nice game commentary of Huang Longshi vs Jiang Tianyuan game.
I translate the commentary and put it in an sgf file.
In this game, Huang Longshi show very nice way to use influence.
One should learn from his patience for gathering strength during the game and the way he uses it.
Let summurize what happened in the game:
White gives black territory around A, B and C in order to build a huge wall. | White attacks the white stone and takes gote twice (at 51 and 63) in order to remain strong and to keep black bottom group weak. In the meantime, Block can play the nice 52 and 64. | |
After reinforcing his wall in sente (65-80), white starts to attack black stone to use his influence. | White goes hard on the ouest black group (thanks to his center strength) and forces him to ugly shape on only 2 eyes. In the meantime, white secures corner territory and have a new nice center influence. Black finds time to fix his corner shape at 98. | |
Black reduces white center with 104. With 107 and 110, both black and white fix their shapes. White reinforces the corner with 111-113 in sente in order to attack black botton group at 114. Again, white takes profit in sente. White played nice related tesujis at 152-127-129 wich take territory in sente. After the sacrifice technique in the top right corner, white takes gote with the big 147-149 yose point. | Black limits the center with 152-154, but after white 157, the score are equals and white got lot's more potential territory. White 177 is the last tesuji of this game to cut a black stone and Black resigns at 189. |