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    Joueur Dan
    Joueur Dan

    Niveau KGS : 2 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 2 Dan
    Messages : 19
    Points : 103
    Mercis reçus : 0

    Vocabulary Empty Vocabulary

    Message par Javaness Jeu 3 Avr 2014 - 22:32

    Recently I went to a tournament in Dijon, where I didn't sleep much, and I found that I am still lacking in knowledge when it comes to many of the terms that exist to discuss a game of go. Which go book would people recommend to expand my knowledge? I have looked through the bibliography on the FFG site, but nothing really jumps out at me as the best buy.


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 8228
    Points : 82179
    Mercis reçus : 835

    Vocabulary Empty Re: Vocabulary

    Message par LDL Ven 4 Avr 2014 - 0:32


    It is true that there is not really a good book on french for french go terms.
    However, in my opinion the best book I would recommend is : "L'ame du Go, les formes et leurs esthetique".

    The book explain go forms and Fan Hui use a lot of terms  to precisely because the subject treated in the book.
    more there is an index of terms at the end of 4 pages which returns to pages about each term.

    I think this is definitely the best french book now more familiar with the french terms of Go.



    Niveau KGS : 4 Dan
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    Vocabulary Empty Re: Vocabulary

    Message par SimeonG Ven 4 Avr 2014 - 9:23

    Are you d'Echecs or the french definition of Japanese Go terms ?
    Because we, and not only in our Go club, use them a lot instead of translation like in English. By example to said 'geta' we don't use 'filet' but still 'geta' however I heard (read) 'net' a lot on Kgs.

    If so, but I didn't read "L'âme du Go" so LDL will be the judge, "Tsumego, L'art du combat au jeu de Go" has a 12 pages of terms explanations.

    So for "Keima" you has "Saut de cheval par analogie au jeu d'Echecs. " with a diagram.

    Although I maybe misunderstood what you're saying, sorry if so Smile

    Joueur Dan
    Joueur Dan

    Niveau KGS : 2 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 2 Dan
    Messages : 19
    Points : 103
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    Vocabulary Empty Re: Vocabulary

    Message par Javaness Ven 4 Avr 2014 - 21:14

    It is not about saying, the knight's move was better here. The issue is I have is more to do with general descriptions. - This situation really scared me
    - I was in a bad state of mind after this sequence, quite unbalanced
    - It was too optimistic to play this way
    - My group felt unsettled still


    Niveau KGS : 1 Dan
    Niveau FFG : 1 Kyu
    Messages : 8228
    Points : 82179
    Mercis reçus : 835

    Vocabulary Empty Re: Vocabulary

    Message par LDL Ven 4 Avr 2014 - 21:37


    if you want to learn more french go expressions (and not really go terms),
    why you don't compare two strategy go books exist in english and french version ?

    - The Fundamental Principles of Go by Yilun Yang
    (Le Jeu de Go, Principes Fondamentaux)

    - Vital Points of Fuseki By Shukaku Takagawa
    (Les points vitaux du Go)



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