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    Introductory Introduction


    Joueur Dan
    Joueur Dan

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    Message par Javaness Mer 4 Sep 2013 - 20:52

    Hello. Although I am often seen under the name Javaness online, I have a real name too, Ian Davis. Although I live in France, I am originally from Northern Ireland. I learnt to play whilst at Durham University, gave up for about 3 years, then restarted while working at Cambridge University. When I lived in Belfast I was quite active there, and helped form a club, teach beginners, run tournaments, etc. I also did a lot of work for the Irish Go Association, and actually I still do as I captain their team. I like to discuss Go, and hope that this forum's english speaking section can help introduce people to the culture and opportunities for Go here in France. Actually, you may have noticed that I am a moderator here now, but I hope that won't involve any work. Jap 

    My playing career is quite mediocre. 3 times Irish Champion, 25th in the KPMC (thanks to the draw), beat a 5d once. Razz I don't just play the game because it's addictive, I find it very aesthetic.

    Favourite player: Farid Ben-Malek

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    Message par rosenzweig Mer 4 Sep 2013 - 22:03

    Welcome on GO.ON, I'm from Courbevoie and i have never heard of a go club in the area  Bécon les Bruyères.

    Joueur Dan
    Joueur Dan

    Niveau KGS : 2 Dan
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    Message par Javaness Mer 4 Sep 2013 - 23:25

    rosenzweig a écrit:Welcome on GO.ON, I'm from Courbevoie and i have never heard of a go club in the area  Bécon les Bruyères.
    Thanks. The Club must have been there for a year now, but we're still looking for a regular meeting place in the vicinity of Becon les Bruyeres.


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    Message par Catlois Jeu 5 Sep 2013 - 3:47

    Once again, welcome on Go.on Ian and long live this english speaking section !

    I truly hope foreign members will find everything they need here to keep on playing Go happily in french speaking countries Wink 

    You may find it odd but I know way better Eastern go players than French ones (don't know if I'm the only one in that case God ). Maybe the future of go in France will be comforted when we will know better French players (to have a kind of model to identify with). Do you have the same problem in the English community ?

    I say that because of your favourite player, Farid Ben-Malek. I just know his name, a bit his career but never have seen him playing (that's a shame !)

    By the way, I would like to have a mediocre career as yours Laughing

    One last word : Let the show begins on this topic !!!



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    Message par LDL Jeu 5 Sep 2013 - 4:15

    Introductory Introduction Badge-17

    Welcome Inside !


    Membre GO.ON l 15K
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    Message par fanghost Jeu 5 Sep 2013 - 12:20


    Membre GO.ON l 10K
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    Message par Terao2sei Jeu 5 Sep 2013 - 13:52

    Hi Javaness !

    You said you have a mediocre player carrier, but 3 times Irish champion, that's big !

    I hope you do a good public relation for French people with your friends in Nothern Ireland (who are unfortunatly well known in the world to be bad English speakers).Wink 

    My regards to Pat Jennings, Nothern Irish and one of the best goalkeeper of all the history of football !

    Hope we will have great chat on this forum !

    Membre GO.ON l 5K
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    Message par nvaste Jeu 5 Sep 2013 - 19:30


    Joueur Dan
    Joueur Dan

    Niveau KGS : 2 Dan
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    Message par Javaness Jeu 5 Sep 2013 - 21:05

    I remember watching Pat Jennings play at Windsor Park :)As for F.B-M, he plays very artistically - I noticed for example that he often makes a giant right angle shape Smile

    . .

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